Tuesday, January 10, 2012

An Artist's Dilemma - Reflected light versus the glow of RGB monitor light.

Whether artwork is created on canvas or digitally, they both cross paths in the reproduction process in the form of prints.  The effects of reflected light versus the glow of RGB monitor light has to be understood to deliver art in print that look as good as it looked on an RGB monitor or as the original art on canvas.  Art on canvas in the right setting has the advantage of reflecting every nuance of color hue, tint, shade, and tone when subjected to the full spectrum of light.  RGB monitors are limited to a color coded system that can not display every color in the full spectrum of light.  To overcome this, artists have to engage in technologies that address color calibration of monitors to match color calibration of printers to get the closest approximation in print.  This is true even if the image was created digitally from the start.  Mastering the process of fine tuning RGB monitor imagery so that the calibrated output in print conveys the artistic intent when subjected to the full spectrum of light is truly a technological dilemma for artists.

View more prints at Wall Art Deco Online Gallery or
learn how to get copies of prints at Store Gallery